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Frank Gramage

Frank Gramage

Senior Brand Communications Manager at Vistaprint

Frank Gramage is a Sr. Brand Communications Manager at Vistaprint in Spain.

For over 10 years Frank has been strategically, creatively and innovatively delivering results for top e-commerce sites in the US; more recently - with Vistaprint in Barcelona, Spain as Sr. Brand Communications Manager where he leads a team of talented experts to deliver the global communication and integrated cross channel campaign strategies for 15+ countries.

Frank consistently reaches his target audience through strategic cross-channel campaigns that not only drive results but build the brand and enhance the customer experience. Managing the creative output for over 15 countries; Frank ensures campaigns are localised and relevant for all markets.

Over the years with his strong business, creative and technology background, Frank has led online content and omni-channel marketing strategies for and, as well as interactive brand campaigns for PnG, Purina, Electronic Arts, Johnson & Johnson, Phillips, and Unilever.

Senior Brand Communications Manager at Vistaprint

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