
Win-win in the Ukrainian style or Economic patriotism in action
Glib Zahoriy, MP, Scientist, Philanthropist (Ukraine)
Keynote presentation: real-life storytelling.
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Managing Country Reputation in a Multicultural Society - The Malaysian Story
Nurul Shamsuri, Information and Communication Secretariat at Wanita UMNO, Head of Program at the UCSI University (Malaysia)
Presentation in the panel "Who is responsible for country reputation: a new level of added value?"
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BDO International Business Compass 2016
Alla Savchenko, President and Senior Partner, BDO (Ukraine)
Presentation in the panel "Who is responsible for country reputation: a new level of added value?"
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Save Food
Iryna Mirońhnik, President of Ukrplastic (Ukraine)
Presentation in the panel "From the Old to the New: a case-studies marathon."
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Charity Weekend
Maria Efrosynina, Co-founder of the "Charity Weekend" project, actress (Ukraine)
Presentation in the panel "From the Old to the New: a case-studies marathon."
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Why win-win approach is the only good one?
Oksana Bulgakova, IQ energy Program Director, EBRD (Ukraine) & Dmytro Adabir, Managing Director at Provid (Ukraine)
Presentation in the panel "The changing role of communication in search for win-win solutions."
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Who will be the one to talk to the aliens? - Mission Possible!
Yanina Dubeykovskaya, WCFDavos Founder and Content Director, President of the WCFA association (Global)
Presentation in the panel "The changing role of communication in search for win-win solutions."
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Looking at Global Communications - why do we Peep Show?
Galina Panina, PR Director & Manager External Communications, Leroy Merlin (Russia)
Presentation in the panel "The changing role of communication in search for win-win solutions."
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Who creates the perception of Eastern Europe and what can we change?
Danijel Koletić, Crisis Comms expert, CEO of APRIORI WORLD, President of the Organizing Committee of the International PRO PR Conference (Croatia)
Keynote presentation: real-life storytelling.
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Crucial Confrontations: just look me in the eye! How to neutralize a terrorist?
Vadym Rahlis, certified mediator of the European Union
Keynote presentation: real-life storytelling.
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8 ways to defuse conflict
Nataliya Bondarenko, Head of the Information and Public Communications Office of the National Bank (Ukraine)
Presentation in the panel "Can media rise above the language of conflict?"
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Interdisciplinary psychology's core aspects as means for win-win
Mateusz Grzesiak, Expert in interpersonal and business relationships, coach, author of books about psychology of success, change and relationships, emotional intelligence and mindfulness (Poland)
Keynote presentation: real-life storytelling focused on "Is win-win even possible?"
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