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Printed materials 2011

Forum Booklet 2011

Forum Booklet 2011

Includes CV data and information on:

  • page 1. Front cover
  • page 2. Major partner: Integrated Energy Systems (IES), Russia
  • page 3. "Communication is... ", shared by Forum Committee 2011
  • page 4. Forum Program - Day 1
  • page 5. Forum Program - Day 2
  • page 6. Speakers in panel: Debate on New PR vs New marketing
  • page 7. Speakers in panel: Reputation & Publicity On/offline - the next step?
  • page 8. Speakers in panel: Social Media
  • page 9. Speakers in panel: Political Communication Strategies
  • page 10. Speakers in panel: Financial Communication and IR
  • page 11. Case Studies in IR, Social Media, and External Communications
  • page 12. Speakers in panel: Regulating and Professionalizing the PR industry
  • page 13. Speakers in panel: Crisis Communications and Litigation PR
  • page 14. Speakers in panel: Marketing, Branding and Economy of Trust in the Web 2.0 era
  • pages 15-18. Official Forum Partners
  • page 19. Media Partners
  • page 20. C4F awards - Categories
  • pages 21-22. C4F awards - Nominees 2011
  • page 23. Major partner - Holmes Report & SABRE awards; Thank-you note to Partners 2011
  • page 24. Back cover with contact details


Forum Agenda 2011

Forum Agenda 2011

Covers a 2-days event, including:

A Key Debate (New PR vs. New marketing)

6 panel discussions:
Reputation & publicity on/off-line: the next step? (3 presentations)
Integrating SM internally (3 presentations)
Political Communication Strategies (4 presentations)
IR Communications (3 presentations)
Crisis Communications & Litigation PR (2 presentations)

An Overview (What did WEF'11 teach us?)
3 keynotes (Marketing&Branding; IR; Reputation Management)
2 Case Studies (IR; External Communications) by major corporations

A C4F awards ceremony and gala dinner with prizes positioned in 4 categories:
"Titan Web 2.0", "Image of the future", "Media of the future", "Relations of the future"

5 coffee-breaks, 2 lunches, a welcome cocktail, and a closing buffet


Forum Certificates 2011

Forum Certificates 2011


Certificates of Attendance:
For Speakers, Keynote Speakers, Debaters
For Attendees, VIP Guests

Certificates of Partnership:
For Partners, Official Carrier, Event Host

Certificates of Organization:
For Forum Coordinators, Committee Members, Moderators

Certificates of C4F award winners:
"Titan of Web 2.0", "Image of the future", "Media of the future", "Relations of the future"


Forum Badges 2011

Forum Badges 2011


Name, Surname

80 participants in total


WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

C4F Awards - Geneva, 2017

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