Exclusive Partners
Belgium + Ethiopia + Senegal + Ivory Coast + DRC

Exclusive WCF Business-Partner-Event in Belgium + Ethiopia + Senegal + Ivory Coast + DRC!
Africa Communications Week is an annual global campaign open to communications professionals with an African focus/expertise. ACW’s mission is to empower and equip Africa focused communications professionals with the tools and resources to change the current narratives about Africa.
AfricaCommsWeek is powered by a virtual international team of multi-talented communications professionals who share a vision for transformative change in Africa through strategic communications.
Eniola Harrison
Communications & Engagement
Email: info@africacommunicationsweek.com

Ideal H+K Strategies
Exclusive WCF Brand-Support-Partner-Agency in Brazil!
Ideal H+K Strategies was born in 2015, after the merge of Brazilian original Agência Ideal and WPP’s network Hill+Knowlton Strategies. The co-founders Eduardo Vieira and Ricardo Cesar created an agency that, early on, took a media agnostic approach. It was among the first PR & Digital Content firm in Brazil to add media buying services across social media, in addition to adding business intelligence services. Ideal H+K Strategies is a market leader in Brazil with more than 200 employees and 80 clients.
Eduardo Vieira
Founder and coCEO
R. Dr. Virgilio de Carvalho Pinto, 380
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Tel: +55 11 4873-797
E-mail: eduardo.vieira@idealhks.com

RADA Research & PR
Exclusive WCF Business-Partner-Agency in Egypt!
RADA Research & Public Relations Co. is an agency focusing on new technologies.
Rada is the market leader in consultancy in public relations and communication services.
Rada has the professional capacity in coaching clients to meet their corporate and communication objectives.
Rada offers full fletched research and communication services. Rada is staying ahead of the latest PR and communications development.
Rada holds excellent records of performance, accredited by our esteemed clients.
Rada's areas of expertise are:
Event and crisis management, strategic consultancy for government and corporate, along with the standard media activities: press conferences and press briefings, media monitoring, social media and analysis etc.
Sherine Zaklama
General Manager
1 Mostafa El Wakil St.
Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +2 02 22917957 – 22915437
E-mail: sherine.zaklama@rada.com.eg

Exclusive WCF Standard-Partner-Agency in Germany!
KaiserCommunication GmbH was established in Berlin, 2002, by PR specialist Guntram Kaiser and advertising expert Werner Dörfer. It is a medium-sized, international, full service public relations agency.
The company offers services of the highest quality focused on client satisfaction, at competitive conditions. At the core of the cmpany values lies genuine respect for the client, knowing that in today’s fast-paced world efficient communications solutions, tailored to the clients’ unique needs are essential. KC delivers these solutions by maintaining a close partnership with clients.
KC clients include companies, ministries and associations from Germany, Asia, Russian speaking states and Scandinavia. KC supports its clients on the local, regional, national and global levels in areas such as corporate relations, issues management, public affairs/governmental relations, public diplomacy and crisis PR.
Guntram Kaiser
Managing Director
Zimmerstrasse 79-80
D-10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 7261 88 435
Fax: +49 (0) 30 7261 88 436
E-mail: kaiser@kaisercommunication.de

Jsp Communications
Exclusive WCF Business-Partner-Agency in Nigeria!
Jsp Communications is a leading Public Relations and Marketing Communications agency in Nigeria, providing "Public Relations with intelligence" in Nigeria and West Africa to some of the world’s most admirable brands. It was established about 20 years ago to meet the needs of a select and discerning clientele seeking strategy driven public relations services.
Jsp Communications offers public relations, expert media relations, executive media training, events management, Government Relations, strategic research, communications counselling and social media management.
Over the last 20 year, Jsp has worked with many renowned brands and corporations including: Emirates Airline. Microsoft, Coca-Cola, MasterCard, Apple, FedEx Red Star Express, GTB Bank, Olashore International School, Tetrapak, Procter & Gamble (P&G), Chevron, Eagle Hills / Abuja Centenary City, and several others.
Global Strategist
South Africa

DonValley Reputation Managers
Exclusive WCF Brand-Support-Partner-Agency in South Africa!
Brand Management is a continuum that starts with the birth of brands and ends with their maturity.
DonValley Reputation Managers offers brand reputation management services ranging from brand strategy assessment, brand strategy development and other below-and-through-the-line interventions aimed at helping brands create and sustain effective dialogues with their chosen target audiences. Public & Media Relations, Marketing and Strategic Communications are examples of such interventions.
Each brand is unique and all brands operate in increasingly cluttered and competitive environments. Audience attention spans are increasingly shorter and the media environment similarly complex. Our team studies each brand’s raison d’être and business strategy, the audiences that it aims to reach and its operational environments, before proposing tools - with a variety of media platforms at the core – to ensure that effective dialogues are established and maintained.
Solly Moeng - APR
Managing Director
Studio 103, 9 Palmyra Road, Claremont 7708
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 21 671 4865, Fax: +27 (0) 86 520 8133
Mobile: +27 (0)71 133 7116
Email: solly@donvalley.co.za
South Korea

Communications Korea
Exclusive WCF Brand-Support-Partner-Agency in South Korea!
Communications Korea, founded in 1987, is the leading PR agency in Korea. Communications Korea has demonstrated its leadership in various sectors such as destination marketing, public affairs, crisis management, marketing PR, communication consulting for public and local government bodies, media training, and so forth.
Most recently, CK has developed four specialized service packages which allow clients to choose the right services they need: CommStem® for crisis management system building, CoMPlete® for media training, CommBination® for M&A communication, and CoBlenders® for Post Merger Integration communication service. Communications Korea has registered a great number of "firsts" in Korea!
Kim Kyong-Hae
CEO and President
CK building, 101-5 Nonhyun-2-dong
Seoul, South Korea
Tel: +82 2 511-8001
Fax: +82 2 765-1666
Email: kyonghae@commkorea.com
United Arab Emirates

Cyber Gear LLC
Exclusive WCF Brand-Support-Partner-Agency in the United Arab Emirates!
Since 1996, Cyber Gear has been a pre-eminent force in the internet industry by developing award winning web projects. Positioned as an industry leader, Cyber Gear provides state-of-the-art internet solutions to a large number of multinational, government and private sector organisations. Cyber Gear services include design of portal sites, intranets, e-CRM, e-business, CMS, e-commerce applications and e-marketing campaigns.
Cyber Gear has implemented several successful online campaigns and provides interactive strategy, branding, technology and e-marketing solutions.
Sharad Agarwal
P.O.Box 53735
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +9714 3312627
Email: info@cyber-gear.com

C. Moore Media
Exclusive WCF Brand-Support-Partner-Agency in the USA!
Headquartered in New York, C. Moore Media (CMM) is an international public relations and communications company with international strategic business development expertise.
CMM understands that the communication environment is constantly changing, and your brand needs customized and strategic solutions that deliver on your public relations needs. We also understand that developing successful new business strategies and goals is crucial, and an intrinsic element to your success. The team employs a combination of public relations, digital communications and smart social media solutions, combined with strategic business initiatives that align with the specific and unique communication.
Claudine Moore
Founder and CEO
C. Moore Media
New York, USA
Email: claudine@cmooremedia.com
WCF Àmbassador in Brazil and the Netherlands

Flavio Junger de Oliveira
WCF Ambassador in Brazil and the Netherlands!
PR & Intercultural Communication expert, MA degree
Tel: +31 6 174 943 81
Email: rejunger@hotmail.com
Twitter: @FlaviOliveiraBR | Skype: flavio.junger1