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C4F Awards 2013

Tolerance for the Future

Oleksandr Feldman introduces the Tolerance for the sake of the Future category of the C4F Davos AwardsOleksandr Feldman Foundation Award

"Tolerance for the sake of the Future"
(introduced on 11 March, 2014, in Davos)

The Award for promoting tolerance in communications and significant contribution to the future of socially responsible communications

Entry to the award is open to directors of NGOs, as well as CSR managers of companies practicing the philosophy of tolerance through communications, social projects, and participation in forums or exhibitions.

Winner of the award will be selected by Forums’ Supervisory Board.

The Award will be given to the nominee becoming tolerance ambassador for the international community based on 2014-2015 results through balancing company goals and societal needs in social projects, while demonstrating strong leadership skills and influencing company’s/fund’s leadership position.

Nominee selection stages

1. Nominees are designated by the Forum’s Supervisory Board
2. Selection criteria:
- how active was nominee’s participation in charitable and social projects
- role and significance of completed projects for the community
- role and significance of completed projects for the industry
- influence on the promotion of the tolerance philosophy
3. Nominees selected by the Supervisory Board are then submitted for public voting.
Competition is held in three stages:
4. First Round – voting for the nominee using 5-point scale. In this round, three nominees will be selected that will proceed to next round.
5. Winner is selected during the Second Round through voting by Supervisory Board members.
6. Awards ceremony will be held during Forum Gala Dinner in 2015.

Supervisory Board members will be selected in March 2014 among Forum speakers.

International Oleksandr Feldman Foundation has been committed to developing tolerant communications for 17 years. The fund’s mission is caring about the coming generation, and carrying out social programs and projects in healthcare, education, culture, and sports. Currently, organization is focused on creating a social multiplex on the grounds of Feldman Ecopark. Long-term communication with the audience is an integral part of this initiative.

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