C4F Awards 2013
Media of the Future - nominees
Not long ago we used the term New Media, while currently we often tend to mention Traditional Media and we witness rapid changes in the media industry as a whole, due to which we have become - more than ever - mobile, interactive and social. The award in this category is granted to those who foresee the next step in media development.

Jason Ng
Jason Ng received the C4F-Davos "Media of the Future" award for his outstanding pro-active work as a Blogger, Twitter activist, and start-upper: COO of geekpark.net, Founder of Twittalk.net, in Beijing, China. He admires creativity and productive genius and he believes there is no age-limit or an other boundaries to that.
He is the owner of Kenengba Blog, with over 70000 subscribers, and he has a Twitter account with over 30000 followers + accounts in almost all social networks in China.