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Dmytro Adabir

Dmytro Adabir

Managing Director, PROVID (Ukraine)

Professional with over 15 years of experience in marketing, communications and advertising. His professional career began at TV&Radio company. Then he led marketing department for the biggest Ukrainian retailer Fozzy Group. Since 2005 he is working for creative agency PROVID, starting his career from position of Senior Account Manager and reaching director’s post afterwards. During this time, there were successfully implemented tens of creative campaigns, including social projects initiated by the agency. PROVID is now #3 in the ranking of the creativity and advertising art 2015/2016 by the All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition. PROVID’s also part of AGAMA communications and part of a big international network of independent agencies Worldwide Partners, Inc. (WPI).

Managing Director, PROVID (Ukraine)

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