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Agnieszka Sikorska

Agnieszka Sikorska

Co Founder at Enagage Warsaw (Poland)

Designer, specializes in service design. Co-owner at cooperativa studio, where she is also responsible for project management. Works for clients from both the business sector and public institutions in the fields of service design and new product development.

Graduated from University of Warsaw (Social Policy) and postgraduate studies at SWPS ( Service Design, History and design critic). PhD student at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, where she focuses on use of design methods for public consultation processes.

Co-founder at Engage Warsaw - an initiative which aims to promote methods of service design and design thinking in the public sector.

Trainer in the field of service design, provides trainings for the National School of Public Administration, culture educators and non-governmental organizations.

Co Founder at Enagage Warsaw (Poland)


WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

WCF Geneva Week 2017, Day 1

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