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Zhao Dali

Zhao Dali

Executive Vice President& Secretary General of China International Public Relations Association

Zhao Dali

  • Executive Vice President& Secretary General of China International Public Relations Association
  • Born at Changchun, Jilin province in 1968; Manchu
  • Graduated from Department of Mathematics of Northeast Normal University in 1990; meanwhile, worked at Agricultural Reclamation Administration of Heilongjiang Province. Changed to Department of Asian Affairs of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Served as Research Director, Deputy Secretary General, etc. at Asia-Africa Development& Exchange Society of China in 1996. (Graduated from Institute of World Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Science as a postgraduate student).
  • in current position from 2010

Executive Vice President& Secretary General of China International Public Relations Association

WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

WCF Geneva Week 2017, Day 2

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