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Shelley Spector

Shelley Spector

PR Museum’s director, President of Spector Corporate Communications (USA)

President of Spector & Associates, 1991

Founder, The Museum of Public Relations, 1997

Adjunct professor of Public Relations History at Baruch College in the M.A. Corporate Communications program.

Formerly, adjunct professor in the PR/CC M.S. program at NYU.

Elected to Arthur W. Page Society in 1997.

Winner of nearly 40 PR awards on behalf of Fortune 100 companies: e.g., AT&T, Bayer Corporation and Philips Corporation.

Named “Creative All Star” and “Most Innovative Agency” by the Holmes Report.

PR Museum’s director, President of Spector Corporate Communications (USA)

WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

WCF Geneva Week 2017, Day 1

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