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World Communication Forum in Africa

World Communication Forum in Africa

Dates: November 24/25

WCFA and Ministry of Communications and Broadcasting of Zambia
In a partnership with "SPRING24"

Chinyota Msimuko - co-founder and Chief Operations Officer of SPRING24

24th November 2020

8:00 - 8:30

Arrival of guests and registration

8:30 - 8:35

Opening remarks by the master of ceremonies

8:35 - 8:45

Recorded video by the WCFA President Maxim Behar

8:45 - 8:50

Welcome remarks by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP

8:50 - 9:00

Speech from key conference partner - My Home Town (MHT) Chairman General Sande Kayumba RTD

9:00 - 9:30

Official Opening

Her Honour, the Vice President, Inonge Wina

Yanina Dubeykovskaya, WCF Content Director

9:30 - 9:50

Keynote address by the Minister of Information, Publicity & Broadcasting Services, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa

9:50 - 10:00

Official Photograph

10:00 - 10:30


10:30 - 11:30

Digitalization in partnership with ZAMTEL: "Going Viral: How To Stand Out In A Crowded Digital Space"


Ms. Mable Mungomba – IBA Board Chairperson



Mr. Patrick Mutimushi – Director General, ZICTA

Mr. Derrick Mwansa – Senior Manager - Innovations, ZAMTEL

Mr. Costa Mwansa– Chief Executive Officer, Diamond Television

Mr. Chilufya Musosha – Co-founder, eNgoma Solutions

Ms. Wane Ngambi – ZANACO Mobile Payment

11:30 - 12:30

Media as a driver of Development



His Excellency Emmanuel Mwamba – Ambassador – Embassy of the Republic of Zambia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



Dr. Basil Hamusokwe – Head- Media and Communication Studies, UNZA

Mr. Morden Mayembe – Director, Press & Media Development Department, MIBS

Mr. Nebert Mbewe – Managing Director, Zambia Daily Mail

Mr. Vincent Kapembwa – Yah FM

Mr. Charles Mafa – BBC Media Action

Ms. Margaret Mwila Nunkwe Buter – Chief Executive Officer, African Women Lawyers Association

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:00

Debate: Disrupting the Narrative

14:00 - 15:00

Crisis Communication Pannel

15:00 - 16:00

Territorial branding as a driver of territorial development – "Branding Strategies to Put Your Country on the Map"


Mr. Solly Moeng – Senior Consultant, DonValley Brand, Marketing & Communication



Dr. Mwenya Kasonde – Global Health Consultant and Thought Leader

Mr. Amos Chanda – Former Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations

Ms. Mable Mungomba – Board Chairperson - IBA

Ms. Sandi Chimpala – Trends Tech
Yanina Dubeykovskaya - WCF content director - "How do we know countries"

16:00 - 16:15


16:15 - 17:15

Peace keeping - "Fighting Words: How to Stop Conflict through Communication"



Ms. Kunda Mando – Press Liaison Officer – Office of the Vice President



Hon. Godfredah Sumaili – Minister of Religious Affairs and National Guidance

Dr. Roland Msiska – Director General - ZAMATOM

Dr. Rose Fumpa – Makano – Dag Hammarkjold Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, CBU Lusaka Campus

Dr. Irina Shreyber – Nuclear Physicist

Ms. Margaret Chimanse – Media Personality

Mr. Mark Maseko – United Nations Information Centre

17:15 - 17:25

Remarks by Hon. Thulagano Merafe Segokgo - Minister of Transport and Communications

17:25 - 17:35

Recap of the Panels: ZAPRA/UNZA

17:35 - 18:00

Closing Remarks by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP

18:00 - 19:00


25th November 2020

8:30 - 8:40

Remarks by Ms. Mwamba Chasaya Siame – ZAPRA President

8:40 - 9:00

Setting the scene for master class


Ms. Mable Mungomba – Board Chairperson - IBA

9:00 - 10:00

Group Work (Guided)


Ms. Mable Mungomba – Board Chairperson - IBA

10:00 - 10:30


10:30 - 11:30

Feedback from Groups

11:30 - 12:00

Sharing of Nuggets

12:00 - 13:00

Learning from South Africa

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:30

Learning from South Africa continued

15:30 - 15:45


15:45 - 16:00

Closing Remarks by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP

WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

WCF Geneva Week 2017, Day 2

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