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Forum 2010: Communication is…

link to Forum 2010 video - Communication is...
"Empathy, trying to understand what the other needs and ensuring that you explain and you try to convey to the other something that will be to the benefit of the counterpart."
Cristina Gallach, Spokesperson for the Spanish Presidency, EU Council
Katrin Muff, Dean of Business School, Lausanne, CH
"Breaking down barriers between people, number 1, and number 2, it’s also about persuasion, about using the skills you have in talking and in listening, and writing, to move people towards some kind of action."
Shel Horowitz, Marketing Consultant, Accurate Writing & More, USA
"Communication is about truth; communication is about hope; communication is about change… Communication is a bridge."
Yannis Freris, Head of Sustainable Development, GEFYRA, Greece
"Mostly listening."
Paul Holmes, Founder & President of “The Holmes report”, UK
"A dialogue."
Anton Nossik, Editor-in-chief at BFM.ru, Founder of whoyougle.com, RU
"For me, it’s fun."
Maxim Behar, Chief Executive, M3 Communications Group, Inc., BG
Rodrigo Moita de Deus, Senior Associate, NextPower, PT
Rui Martins, Public Affairs Director, Associação Dianova, PT
Melissa Keklak, Public/Celebrity Relations Manager, Casio, USA
"Two words to it: competitive advantage."
Jolyon Kimble, Director Middle East, Africa, Asia, Sovereign Strategy, KW
"Risk management."
Daniel Holtgen, Head of Communications at EASA
"Depending on the social system."
Thomas Missong, President of EACA, AU
Mohamed Al Ayed, Founder, President and CEO of TRACCS, UAE